I had a caricature job on Sunday. It was down in Marshall, MN. Google said it would take about 4 hours to get there. My Grandma was also working the same job so we decided to carpool. My grandparents have friends down there so my Grandpa came too and played golf with Wayne while Grandma and I drew. So, since their tee-time was at 11:00, and the job was at 11:30, we decided to start driving at 7:00am. Well that meant I got up at 5:30am to get from New Brighton down to my grandparents house in South Minneapolis by 6:45. Okay, that all went fine, we made it down to Marshall in three hours and were rediculously early. Better safe than sorry though. Then finally, we went to work. We got to the park a little early and decided to start early and take longer breaks during our shifts. The party was for Schwann's, they're headquartered down there. I pretty much just worked straight through for the five hours, well actually, five and a half, because I started early and finished a little late. I only took one maybe 10 minute break. I didn't even get any freakin ice cream! Oh well. Then I had to go do dinner with my grandparents and their friends. I don't mind a free dinner at all, but I really kind of wanted to get back home. So, we dawdled for an hour, then finally ate, which took another hour, and then finally hit the road at 7:30. Now, I was tired and my Grandma offered to drive, so I figured I'd just curl up in the back seat and not worry about her driving my car, in the dark, with only one eye. But, Grandpa stole the back seat from me, so I basically drove from the passenger seat for the next three hours. I think we almost died three times. Once when she was putting her visor on and the car swerved into the other lane with oncoming traffic and she pulled it back just before being crushed by a large Dodge truck of some sort, once when we nearly missed an exit and crossed those white lines you're not supposed to cross and very nearly drove over the median at 50 mph, and last when we were driving on roads under construction in the dark and she couldn't see the lines and was swerving all over the road.
At any rate, I did finally make it home alive, with my bowls still intact mind you, at no later than 10:50pm, where I hugged and kissed my beautiful fiance and was happy to be alive. Good lord what a long day that was. But, to make up for it, I hear we're getting 140 for travel time and mileage on top of the 40/hour for five hours, meaning that I'll get 340 buckaroos for my troubles. I'm not complaining.