Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Wow, does my anus hurt.

Okay, I think I might go vomit. I'm really angry. But I'm not letting it out. I'm still at work and I don't want to blame anybody for what happened, so I'd rather not burn bridges and take it out on them. I didnt' get the fucking job. I think I'm going to leave early and go break something. SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!! The worst part is that they did pick someone else here at Computype. I was thinking before that it they went with somebody here I'd be super pissed, but they went with Michelle, and I can't be mad at her. She's nice and will probably do a fine job. She works in Digitek right now, which is where the digital printers are, so because she has experience on the floor, they went with her.

Well, I learned a lot in the last eight stupid months anyway. But now I'm shit out of luck. I've got no job and a bunch of shit to pay for. I'm going to go job hunting now. This sucks.

Damn it this sucks.

Caricature job on Sunday...I'm thankfull to be alive.

I had a caricature job on Sunday. It was down in Marshall, MN. Google said it would take about 4 hours to get there. My Grandma was also working the same job so we decided to carpool. My grandparents have friends down there so my Grandpa came too and played golf with Wayne while Grandma and I drew. So, since their tee-time was at 11:00, and the job was at 11:30, we decided to start driving at 7:00am. Well that meant I got up at 5:30am to get from New Brighton down to my grandparents house in South Minneapolis by 6:45. Okay, that all went fine, we made it down to Marshall in three hours and were rediculously early. Better safe than sorry though. Then finally, we went to work. We got to the park a little early and decided to start early and take longer breaks during our shifts. The party was for Schwann's, they're headquartered down there. I pretty much just worked straight through for the five hours, well actually, five and a half, because I started early and finished a little late. I only took one maybe 10 minute break. I didn't even get any freakin ice cream! Oh well. Then I had to go do dinner with my grandparents and their friends. I don't mind a free dinner at all, but I really kind of wanted to get back home. So, we dawdled for an hour, then finally ate, which took another hour, and then finally hit the road at 7:30. Now, I was tired and my Grandma offered to drive, so I figured I'd just curl up in the back seat and not worry about her driving my car, in the dark, with only one eye. But, Grandpa stole the back seat from me, so I basically drove from the passenger seat for the next three hours. I think we almost died three times. Once when she was putting her visor on and the car swerved into the other lane with oncoming traffic and she pulled it back just before being crushed by a large Dodge truck of some sort, once when we nearly missed an exit and crossed those white lines you're not supposed to cross and very nearly drove over the median at 50 mph, and last when we were driving on roads under construction in the dark and she couldn't see the lines and was swerving all over the road.

At any rate, I did finally make it home alive, with my bowls still intact mind you, at no later than 10:50pm, where I hugged and kissed my beautiful fiance and was happy to be alive. Good lord what a long day that was. But, to make up for it, I hear we're getting 140 for travel time and mileage on top of the 40/hour for five hours, meaning that I'll get 340 buckaroos for my troubles. I'm not complaining.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Hey, Angie sent me a picture..

Go look at this picture. Angie sent it to me. Go look! NOW!

It's the weekend already?

Holy crap. It's the weekend already. Welp, I guess I'll just go up to Barley John's tonight and play some songs and drink some beers. Munky and I are doing nothing this weekend. She has to work mornings, but when she gets home we are going to do nothing. Movie nights and slumber parties in the living room.

I still don't know anything about my freakin job. Maybe I'll find something out next week. I have a really bad feeling I'm not going to get it. Really bad. Why would it take them a week to think about it unless somebody else interviewed way better than I did. I'm boned. Oh well.

Okay, well, to anybody reading, have a great weekend.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Engagement Party

Well our engagement party was fun too. Even though none of our friends could make it. Actually, it was really more for the families to meet each other anyway. I think it would've been weird for our friends. Laura, Adam and Luis did come though, and I think they had fun. Our families had fun. My dad is awsome. He mingled with absolutely everbody at that party, I was impressed. I can't believe people brought gifts though! I think I'll never have a party where I can actually get people to NOT bring gifts. I like cards though, people had some really nice things to say in their cards. Well, it was good food and company, and I don't think Dave went too crazy. I love my fiance, I think she's a wonderful woman and my new family isn't too bad either. Thanks to everyone who came and brought a gift, thanks to everyone who came and didn't bring a gift, and thanks to everyone who couldn't make it and let me know.


We went to Vallyfair yesterday. That was pretty fun. I'm real tired today now. Probably just because I didn't sleep. I've never really been one to go on rides. The biggest roller coaster I've ever been on is the cork skrew. Even that little hill would creep me out. I'm mildly afraid of hights. I don't mind the spinning and the upside down and stuff, just the hills. When I initially start falling there is a pain in my bladder area making the experience very uncomfortable. I didn't get on any rollercoasters yesterday, but I did get on the power tower. We only did the one that shoots you up. I'm working up to doing the one that drops you. I only experienced the pain from falling for about a second or two on the initial fall when we reached the top. The rest was blissfull floating. That was a fun ride. I remember when the pirate ship was brand new and all my friends liked it alot. I never went on it until yesterday. That was really fun also. The clouds looked amazing when we were upside down. We went down thunder canyon and Munky and I were the ones who went directly underneath the one big waterfall. She said she'd never been soaked on that ride. Well now she has. I didn't remember how hard that wave hits you when you go across the bridge after riding the wave. Holy crap that water hits you hard! I wasn't prepared for it and it nearly nocked me down! We blew 46 bucks trying to win a giant monkey. That was a disapointment. We did get a nice bouquet of fuzzy hands and feet though. Oh well, we'll get it next time. Anyway, Vallyfair was pretty fun, I think it had been about ten years since the last time I'd been there. I like the power tower.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I don't know

Party at Max's, that was fun. Stayed up all night, drank beers, smoked too much, good times. Card board cut-out of Enrique Iglesias waking Zach up from drunkin slumber, hilarious.

Finally got pretty much all my shit out of my old apartment. I'm going there tonight to clean out the fridge, vaccum one more time and take the last of the food. If anybody needs dishes, glasses, tupperware or cookware let me know, I have some extras.

Finally have my job interview set up for Friday. I can't wait to get this overwith and have full time pay and health benefits. Blarg!!

We'll be getting cable, internet and a phone on Thursday. I'll call everone and let you know our new home phone number. Also, after we get internet I'll post a crap load of pictures. It's way less hassle than bringing the pics to work and doing it.

Well, I think that's all I got. I really have to do some work now.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'm Back!!!!

Okay, I'm back from Canada! Wait. I'm not excited about that. One week was not long enough. I love it up there. Holy crap was that relaxing. I want to go back. I just sat around, picked and ate some blueberries, played my guitar, drew some pictures, watched the most beautiful sunsets, smoked my pipe, bathed in the lake and bonded more with my beautiful fiance everday for a week. Why can't life be like that? Oh, it was beautiful. I would suggest that everyone go buy a 3 acre(okay, it's a little bigger than I thought) island in the lake of the woods and build a cabin or two on it, but then the feeling of seclusion would be nonexistant. That would be lame. I tell you, there is nothing like standing naked in a cold and ginormous lake in the middle of relatively nowhere. I love it. Munky loved it every bit as much as I do. It sounds like my great aunt Lois will be giving the cabin to her grandson (my second cousin) Henry, and he'll probably have no idea what the hell to do with it. So, my dad figures we could set up some sort of trust or something so that all of those who want to can have a piece of the pie and eat it too. That way it stays in the family, and no single family is burdened with it alone. I think this is a good plan. Hopefully it will pan out. Then we shall have some fun parties or something up there. Yes, yes we shall.......

I hate working.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Great White North

I'm finally going back to Canada. It's been a while since I've been up there. For any of you who don't know, my great aunt owns an island in the Lake of the Woods, just on the Canada side, and she has a cabin on that we go to every once in a while. It's not a large island, only an acre I think, but it has about 10 feet of sandy beach and almost no other cabins near it. It might be my most favorite place in the world. When I was five or so my parents had taken me to the cabin and to Disney World and then asked me which one I would like to go to next year, but I could only pick one. I picked the cabin. I was five and picked Canada over Disney World. That's how much I love that place. I love it more than Disney World. I hope Munky loves it as much as I do. Actually, maybe not, because my aunt is old and can't take care of the place anymore so she's probably going to get rid of it soon and then I'll never be able to go back ever again. I wouldn't want her to love it as much as I do and then have to live with the pain of only having been there once. At least I've had my fill of the place. Enough to make life long memories. So at any rate, I'll be gone from the 3rd to the 10th of August, so no blogging. Even though I don't think anybody comes here that often, I figured I should let everybody know.

Oh yeah, I suppose I could say something about Bre's birthday this last weekend, as long as I'm on here. It was a good suprise party, she had no idea. I had a blast and I'm sure everybody else had some fun also. All I have to say is, I saw a lot of nipples and I know I wasn't drunk enough to be showing mine, but I did anyway. Ahhhhhh, good times, good times.