Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hey, I know it's late, but Merry Christmas to everybody who reads this! I hope the holidays found you well and that your times with family were joyous. Happy birthday Jesus!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Holy Crap!!

Holy crap I haven't been here in a while. Okay, so I started my new job. I think I should probably not say where I work online. This place has some strict information flow policies. Anyway, I am a skip tracer. The first day we just filled out paper work and the like. Today, we started training. Oh, I started at the same time as someone else so they're training us together. Anywho, I do the detective work for the debt collectors. I just verify phone numbers and addresses, or find them if needed, and locate all assets that the debtors have. The only time I have to call someone is when I'm verfiying a number or employment. AND, if I get ahold of someone who is not the debtor who wants to know what I'm calling about I get to say, "I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you." That is going to be fun I think. Aparently people can be real assholes about it too. And if they say, "So sue me!" I get to say, "Yes sir," or perhaps, "will do cap'n."

Today I learned how to read a credit report and what things we look for when reading them. It's interesting what we can figure out from a credit report. It sucks that my trainer is kind of a bitch and not personable at all. She's really annoying. But learning is fun!

So now I get benefits and stuff, and that will be nice to be able to go get my teeth cleaned in January. We have to punch an actual time card there too. That is so strange. On top of that we have to punch in and out on the computer. I guess they're gearing up to switch over soon. I finnally got my key card today to. But it doesn't work yet. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get in. The space has a really weird setup that makes me have to use my card key to go to the bathroom, 10 feet from my desk. Or I can go the long way around. I really hope my key works tomorrow.

Anyway, I don't know what else to say right now. I'm going to continue surfing the intertron.