Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I got nuthin.

I really have nothing to say, but I like to post everday. That rhymed. I don't think I spelled that right, but I'm leaving it. I did post something at the handlbar club websit. You can go read it if you want to. That's all I'm saying though. Later!!!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

This girl looks crazy!

Okay I found this over at allthingschristie, I have no idea, but this girl looks crazy. I didn't think anyone I know would end up over there so I figured I'd repost. I don't even know what I was doing over there. I was just bored I guess. I should go do some work or something. That girl seriously looks nuts though. I don't even know who Christie is.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I took a picture!!!!!!

I finally took a picture of the been bag chair. You can look at it by clicking on the word picture. Assuming I did that right anyway. Of course, you know it's right because as soon as I post this I'm going to test it and then if it doesn't work I'm going to fix it. So there really is no danger of the link not working. You might as well just give up now. Hey, how many posts have I made about this damn bean bag chair now? I'll tell you how many, TOO many, that's how many. Now go about your own damn business!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Ummmmm......I got nuthin.

I didn't post yesterday, and I again forgot to take a picture of the bean bag chair. I think it's funny that we still call it a bean bag chair even though it has no beans in it. Only foam. No beans. None. Not even one bean. There are two zippers though. And two bags. The inner one actually lays out to be a queen size bed. The outer one is simply a corderoy ball. They both have zippers though. But no beans. Happy Earth day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I forgot

Okay, I forgot to take a picture of the bean bag chair. But I did get some really nice shots of the sky yesterday after work. It's gorgious. Ugh. I'll take a picture of the chair tonight, I promise. It will be up tomorrow. Not that anyone cares. You know what? I kind of like throwing this random crap up here everyday because no one will read it. It's kind of nice to just let some garbage fall out of my brain and if does happen to entertain someone else, well isn't that just special then. I'm going to go read som Popular Science, if you don't mind.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bean Bag Chair!

We bought a "bean bag chair" the other day. It's sweet. It's actually full of foam rubber though. It's relatively comfortable, but how cool is it to have a giant sack of foam to jump on, huh? I'm stoked. I'll take a picture of it tonight.

Monday, April 18, 2005

I bought new sandles!

I finally bought new sandles. I've had those same sandles for the last six years. They smelled really bad for the last 3, I think. They were very comfortable though, so I wanted to find something similar, and I found the exact same ones. Munky and I went to the mall to get some stuff and we passed a payless and a footlocker and other various shoe stores but we were going to get my sandles on the way out. On the way out we passes a Pac Sun, which is where I got my old sandles, back when it was called "Pacific Sunwear". We went straight to the back and I saw them right away and said, "yep, those are them". They were marked on sale from $50 to $40, which is what I got them for six years ago, then when I got them to the register they rang up at $30, so I got them for $10 cheaper than I did six years ago. These ones are slightly different, they've got red on them and more E logos, but I think I actually like them more, so that's good. I'm pleased anyway. I'll put a picture up at my picture blog.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Son of a!!!!!!

Son of a bitch! I didn't know I had an allocated data transfer amount coming from the geocities site! Damn it! What the hell am I supposed to do for free picture posting?!!!?!? HUH?!?!?! Well that's a load of weapons grade bolognium. Well, I'll just have to get Hello working again.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm bummed.

I'm all freaked out man. I don't know what the hell is going on anymore. Who the hell am I and who the hell do I want to be. I can't even take my own advice. I don't remember how to get back to where I was, and I don't know if ever will. I'm going to stop wining now. That's all I needed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Hey you gu-uys!

I don't know why I thought of that. I want to watch that movie. Does anyone have a VHS player I can have? Maybe I should just go buy one. What are they, like 50 bucks now? I bet they are. Seriously, who, other than me of course, would buy a VHS player in this day and age. I might as well just buy "The Goonies" on DVD. Maybe I will. Actually, come to think of it, I think I've already replaced most of my other VHS tapes with DVDs. Well then, nevermind. My feet still stink. I think it's time I go get some new sandles.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Changed my mind. I don't give up.

Okay, It's really quite easy to create posts with pictures in them and such even though I have to go through the hassle of uploading them to geocities first. So, as long as I keep using my camera there will be fun pictures to look at weekly. Hah!

I don't know. I give up.

I don't want to post about how blogger sucked yesterday. Everybody already knows I'm sure. I guess I could say that I got the pictures sort of working now. Hello just kind of stopped working for me. Does anybody know how much stuff you can upload to a geocities page? I kind of like the looks of the blogger page better and I don't like working with the geocities page so I'm just using it to store the pictures. Is there a limit to how many geocities pages you can have? I don't know. I think I'll just give up.

Friday, April 08, 2005

My feet stink!!!

Holy crap my sandles smell bad. Jeeze-zuss! I think I'll try Fabreezing them again and if that doesn't work I'll just have to buy new ones. I've had these sandles for about six years now though. I can't get rid of them now!! They're just a little smelly, they're still good, they're still good!

On a side note, my moustache is being a total DICK today. I figured maybe I'll use just a smidge of wax to get it inline, but then I can never use just a smidge of wax, and on top of that it didn't even fix the problem. I washed out all the wax and just soaked it in water and I think it's at least semi-in-order now. Don't even get me started on my mohawk either.

On the bright side, it's nice out and I have shorts, shortleeves and sandles on. Sweeeeeeeet.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I'm still at work!

I'm at work, and I need to go do things. I'm going to go do them now. I think. Maybe now.

How 'bout now? No? Okay.



Okay, now I'm really going, but only because I have a loaf to pinch.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Stupid freaking pictures!!

This is driving me nuts! Why won't the pictures show up?!!!?!? Ughhghghhhhh!!!!!

Enough whining! Back to funness. Ummmm.....I got nothin.

So it looks like Munky is going to get Larie kicked out of the apartment. It's really weird because it sounds like Larie agrees with everything that Munky tells her, but she just doesn't keep it in her head for more than 2 minutes and then she does what Patrick wants. I don't get it. I think she's gone bonkers. She knows that Patrick is not worth her time, she knows that it's not a "going to last forever" type of relationship, but she loves him. I don't know. Apparently Munky is usually the one who tells her how to handle situations, and she asks her what to do, but doesn't do what anyone, including Munky, tells her she should do, which is fine, it's up to her, but stop asking, no one is going to tell you what you want to hear, you know? I have no idea why I'm writing all this by the way. She keeps using the argument that I get to stay over all the time, so why can't Patrick, which is valid, but the bottom line is that Larie and Munky have made an agreement to live together, they need to agree on house rules, they've made a commitment to each other and it's between the two of them to make it work. If Larie doesn't want me there anymore, I'm gone, but she never says she doesn't want me there, she only sees the other side, if I'm there then Patrick should be there, but equally if Munky doesn't want Patrick there, he should be gone. Their relationships outside of the apartment mean nothing to the goings on inside the apartment. That is their place of residence, they make the rules, they need to live together. If one or the other doesn't feel comfortable in their own home, something needs to change. All right, I'm done with this now. That was fun.....I guess.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Blogger has been sucking.

Okay, I thought it was working again, but then it crapped out on me before I could get this post up, so I'm re-writing it, only this time I'm not saying that it seems to be working now. I'm supposed to be working now. I think I'll do that in a couple of minutes after I try to get some more pictures up.

Blogger has been sucking.

Now it seems to be working though. I'm supposed to be working. I think maybe I'll get back to that in a minute. I'm going to try to get some more pictures up.

Friday, April 01, 2005



I can't believe I forgot to post yesterday. That's lame. Well, APQP training sucked again, only not so much as last time. Then I messed around with my family picture in photoshop for a while. That was fun. Maybe I'll post it. That would be lame. I am soooo going to do that now. Because I am lame. Oh, lame is me.

Just as a side note, I'm also really quite lame. Just in case you were wondering, and I know you were, don't try to deny it, you sheep loving bastard! You love sheep, and I'm lame. There's nothing we can do about it. We might as well just give up entirely. There's no use fighting it.

Welp, that was fun, let's do it again some time.

I'm going to work now.