Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

June 18th, mark it down.

Fred is having a graduation party on June 18th at his parents' house (I think). Everybody is invited. But, you can only come if you know where it is. So good luck, jerks. Apparently, he'll be in town for that week also. Okay, that is all.

Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm addicted to Zelda

I've been playing Zelda a lot lately. Probably way too much. Especially since I'm playing it at work. That's bad. I really hate the original Zelda. I find it way too freakin hard to stay alive. Those little buggers move way too fast. My fingers just aren't that quick. I'm playing it anyway because it's just one of those games that you really should beat at least once in your life. That Super Mario Brothers. Everyone should beat those games at least once in their lives. I started playing "Zelda: Link's Awakening", but I can only play it online and I can't save my game. I like it way better than "The legend of Zelda" though. Of course, the 3D games are crazy fun. If I didn't have a woman, I think I'd just play Zelda all the time. At least while I wasn't playing my guitars. Where the hell did all my time go?

Monday, May 16, 2005

What do you get when you cross baseball with dodgeball?

Kickball. Munky and I joined a kickball league along with her sister Bre and her sort of boyfriend Louis. Our first two games were this last Sunday. It was fun. Now my shins hurt. I didn't get on base, during the game anyway, but I did make some nice catches. We lost the first game 5-3, and won the second game 2-zip. The first game loss was my fault. If I had picked up the ball and stopped play that guy wouldn't have run to third and gotten his team on a roll. He also wouldn't have twisted his ankle sliding into third and had to leave the game. Luckily our team didn't get any injuries until after the games. Munky ran over Louis' foot as we were leaving the parking lot. She thought she heard is door close but didn't check to make sure he was in and she just started to drive off. Then Louis yelled and leaned over clutching his foot. He was laughing though. Christ my shins are sore though. At least I stretched before the game, I think I would have been really sore if I hadn't. I don't know if anyone wants in but I think the team we joined is pretty full. Maybe next year we could get a bunch of us together to make our own team. That would be fun.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I found neat cursors!

Hey everybody, you should go to and get nifty cursors for your computers. They're really dumb, but kind of fun also. So there.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I told a story...

I put a post up at the Handlebar Club website and in it I told a story that might be worth posting here, but I don't want to rehash what I've already written so I'm just going to link to it.

I took more pictures!

Okay, I finally took pictures of my new chair and my old chair. You can view them by clicking the words "chair" or "chair", or by clicking the link on the right to my picture blog. It's called Rowdy's Fun Time Zone Pictures!. Whoops, now I put a link in this post also. There's no way you can avoid them now. You have to go look at my chairs. I didn't make that one a link because I don't know how I could have it link to both pictures unless I would have put them both in one post. That would have been smart. I'm not going to do it now though. I should also link to the previous post, huh? That would be helpful to get links to ads for the chair. GO LOOK AT THE CHAIRS!!!!!

Friday, May 06, 2005


I have to PEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

New Chair!!!

Hey everybody, guess what! I got a new chair at work! I've been sitting in something that was probably brand new when the company started back in the 70's. It is kind of crappy now. So I talked to the one guy and he got me a new chair. I got the same one I have at home because it's the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in. Now, it doesn't look like much, but I tell you that the back really conforms to your shape and supports your entire back. It's pretty sweet. If I remember to bring my camera in I will take a picture of mine. Okay, now I'm going to go find the links I need to stink in this post. Hold on. I now you've already seen them, but I haven't gotten them at this time so just hold your goddamn horses. Okay, there, I've made all the words chair be links to the O-Max website. That's where I got the chair. I'm sitting in it right now. It's sweet. Okay, I'm going to find some work to do. Oh yeah, and a fantastically happy birthday to Sipidation!!!!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Made some changes...

I changed some things on the blog. You have to guess what they are. It's not hard, though you might find one and miss the other.

We had a fun BBQ at Sip's yesterday, hope to have more this summer. A bit cold though. It will be more fun to sit out in the back drinkin beers and grillin meat.

I want to start up a poker night again too, but I don't know if we can get enough people to come. I would imagine that Zach and Matt would be there, but it seems like we should have at least one more person. I figured also it might be more fun if we each put in $4.50 and then each white chip would be worth half a cent, red would be 2.5 cents and blue 5 cents. That would make the playing more interesting I think. Just an idea anyway. I'm going to go eat lunch now.