Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

New Chair!!!

Hey everybody, guess what! I got a new chair at work! I've been sitting in something that was probably brand new when the company started back in the 70's. It is kind of crappy now. So I talked to the one guy and he got me a new chair. I got the same one I have at home because it's the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in. Now, it doesn't look like much, but I tell you that the back really conforms to your shape and supports your entire back. It's pretty sweet. If I remember to bring my camera in I will take a picture of mine. Okay, now I'm going to go find the links I need to stink in this post. Hold on. I now you've already seen them, but I haven't gotten them at this time so just hold your goddamn horses. Okay, there, I've made all the words chair be links to the O-Max website. That's where I got the chair. I'm sitting in it right now. It's sweet. Okay, I'm going to find some work to do. Oh yeah, and a fantastically happy birthday to Sipidation!!!!!!


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