Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Okay, we totally rocked it hardcore with kickball this season. We were undefeated! Completely and utterly undefeated. In fact, the last game we played, we beat the chumps 24 to 3. We scored half those runs in the first inning. Then we all just kind of quit trying and had fun, and the ump kind of took a lot of pitty on the other team. When your that far ahead, they call the game after four innings, but the other team wanted to play some more so we played five innings. We all took different positions in the field than we normally do. That was fun. I did some goofing pitching and then Jeremy, the guy that catches everything in the outfield, bumped a fly ball to Adam who then set the ball to Brian who was not really paying attention, but caught the ball anyway. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen on a kickball field. It was really cocky too. I felt really bad for the other team, but man was that funny. So yeah, if anyone wants to join the team next year, I think there might be some room. We will probably need girls though. You're supposed to have at least four girls on your team, but Lisa and Vegas are aparently moving to California. Lame! So, um, that's all I have, I guess. Okay BYE!


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    Hockey hockey Rowdy,


    By Blogger Max, at October 06, 2005 4:08 AM  

  • So what I'm hearing from you is, Jenga?

    By Blogger rowdy, at October 06, 2005 9:22 AM  

  • lol about lisa and I being lame for not playing kickball next year. I would like you to eat that commnet when you and Kelsey come visit us in sunny SD and we are all lying on the beach together. Seriously -- kickball reunion out in Cali!
    We had fun this season, too --- probably one of our most fun seasons of the last 3 years. i am glad you started playing and i am glad that we met -- you not only rock the 'hawk but you totally rock as a person too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 06, 2005 11:36 AM  

  • Geeze thanks Vegas! I feel way better for having met you guys. We will totally visit you in Cali and you have to come back for the wedding, if you can. I hate being pushed around, so I don't like being pushy, but we'd love to have you there, but totally understand if you guys won't be able to make it. Anyway, that's two years away, so let's not worry about that, eh? ROCK AND ROLL!!!

    By Blogger rowdy, at October 10, 2005 11:24 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 10, 2006 10:11 PM  

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