Rowdy's Fun Time Play Zone!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Our house is sweet. I think we're going to get spoiled there. It's all one level, no stairs at all, we can bring groceries in from the garage straight to the kitchen, all the doors are really wide so we can easily move furnature around and the layout is really open and big. I love it anyway.

I can't wait for school to start again, I need more projects.

I don't know if we're going to have a house warming party or anything, but if we do, anyone who reads this is invited. Email me if you want directions.

I don't know if anybody does read this anymore, but just in case, I should let people know that my mom is not doing that well and if anybody wants to see her, sooner would be better. Call first though, they have a lot of people coming over all the time and bringing food and stuff, but my mom needs rest and too many people over all at once can be too much for her. My dad is only working about 4 hours a day now so that he can stay home and take care of her. He is amazing. They always laugh and see the good side to everything. My mom can't really do ANYTHING anymore, so my dad does a lot. We have good neighbors who help a lot with food and such, and family and old friends are over there everyday to make sure someone is with my mom 24/7. At any rate, my mom is still the same person inside, she just looks a lot different and her short term memory is not so good. Neither are her reasoning skills.

Okay, well my break was over a little while ago so I better get back to work.

Tell your mothers you love them! And your fathers too. And really anyone else you love.



  • I love you!! I am so proud of you for being there for your parents all the time. You have done a great job and I will always be right next to you to help hold you up. I love you!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 02, 2007 11:23 AM  

  • Thank you so much tootie. I know this is going to be hard on our relationship, but I know you love me and you know I love you. Thank you. I love you! XC)

    By Blogger rowdy, at January 02, 2007 3:43 PM  

  • You are welcome - no need to thank me - I wouldn't want/need/think about being anywhere else.

    I love you!!!! x-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 03, 2007 12:34 PM  

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